Phase 6 Pedestrian refuge construction and road resurfacing
- Date 12 Jun 2016
Visitors and people working on the Science Park will be aware that new pedestrian refuges are being installed on the along with the resurfacing of the unadopted road on the Park that serves phase 6 and the CRC entrance.
On the week commencing 27th June there will be single alternate line working at the junction of the private road and main spine road between units 320 and 316 followed by the junction outside unit 406 and opposite unit 410 to facilitate the installation of two pedestrian refuges.
Following the installation of the pedestrian refuges, over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of July the entire road from unit 406 to 320/316 junction of the main spine road will be closed for resurfacing works.
There will be no vehicular access to units 400, 406, 410, 418, 436 and 440 from the main spine road. Vehicular access to these units will be via the Kings Hedges/CRC entrance only where the gate will be opened for the duration of the works.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused, though we believe this will be mitigated by the improvements brought to the Science Park through carrying out this work.